Thursday, November 10, 2011

40 days to life!!!

In around a month after you land on a foreign land, all the excitement of the place wears off. This typically is called the ' Honeymoon phase' where you feel like you are living a dream. But like all the dreams, it is short lived and you soon have all the reasons for not staying in that place. This of course is temporary and continues to change depending on situations. When I landed in Arlington it was a completely different experience. Nothing seemed familiar and people around looked like you know them but didn't really know them. Time flew fast and weeks became months and years. Its been more than a year that I've gone home. Difficult as it sounds there have been times when I felt completely lost in this new home of mine, the kind of feeling you get when you haven't gone home for days.
Now in like the next   40 days, I will be home , living a dream that I've been dreaming of for months.
Finally!!Back to those days where you knew exactly what is happening around you, where people around you are not strangers, where even the most imperfect things seem perfect!
A lot of unfinished tasks to be taken care of before heading home this winter. This Christmas is surely going to be special :) :)